Friday, July 12, 2013

Gottes Segen: Jährliche Segnungs-Zeremonie zur Einweihung in Kriya Yoga

Jährliche Segnungs-Zeremonie ganz für dich alleine. Die Segnungszeremonie zur Einweihung in Kriya Yoga erfolgt zu folgenden Daten - jeweils jährlich zum:
  • 20. März - 0600 GMT
  • Von Karfreitag bis Ostersonntag, ganztags
  • 9. Mai 1200 GMT
  • 21. Mai 1800 GMT
  • 10. Oktober 2400 GMT
  • Weihachtszeit - am 24. und 25. Dezember ganztags
Eine Segnungszeremonie dient sowohl zum Auffrischen deiner Liebes-Beziehung zu Gott als auch zur Vorbereitung um die Einweihung in die heilige Wissenschaft des Kriya Yoga zu empfangen. Diese Segnungs-Zeremonie als Vorbereitung zur Einweihung von Gott kann auch an jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt und Ort deiner Wahl stattfinden ... deine Liebe und dein Herzen alleine sind entscheidend.

Der gesamte Ablauf wie unten erklärt - gilt für jede Segnungszeremonie zur Einweihung in Kriya Yoga von Gott. Du wählst Ort und Zeit und bereitest dich in deinem Herzen vor. Egal wann und wie - du solltest auf jeden Fall einen ganzen Tag frei sein für diese Segnungs-Zeremonie - ein freier Tag nur für Gott und dich.

Gott ist Liebe

Um frei, offen zu sein und Platz zu haben für Gottes Segen und Gottes Liebe, solltest du dein gesamtes Leben weitgehendst aufgeräumt haben.
Einige vorbereitende Schritte mögen dir deine Segnungs-Zeremonie erleichtern. Ein in dich hineingehen und inniges nachdenken über deine Motive und die Ziele deines Lebens sind ebenfalls erforderlich.

Um Gottes Segen empfangen zu können, muss dein Herz frei von Nachtragen, Vorwürfen, Rache, Vergeltung, Strafe, Hass, u.s.w. sein. Du musst also erstmals selbst willens sein nur zu lieben - in allen Situationen und alle Wesen nur zu lieben ... egal wer, was, wie, wo, wem angetan hat! Ohne diese feste und bewiesene Liebesbereitschaft wird jegliches Kriya Yoga und jegliches Bitten um Gottes Segen nutzlos und sinnlos sein. Gottes Segen und Liebe kann nie in ein durch Hass vergiftetes Herzen fliessen sondern nur in liebende Herzen.

Also lautet Schritt 1 deiner Vorbereitung für deine Segnungszeremonie:

Eine positive Affirmation - Ich bin ein Kind Gottes - Ich will nur lieben und helfen, andere Menschen unterstützen und beschützen - also will ich mich für allen Segen Gottes öffnen und alle Liebe und Segen aufnehmen und in Taten der Liebe zum Wohle aller umwandeln.

Jede einzelne Person auf Erden ist es wert geliebt und befreit zu werden durch Gottes Gnade und Liebe. Es ist mein heiliges Recht am Ende dieser Reinkarnation zu Gott nach Hause gehen zu dürfen - für den Rest der Ewigkeit.

Wie im spirituellen Newsletter divine accounting beschrieben - solltest du:
  • alle Menschen lieben
  • allen helfen
  • die bedürftigen und hilflosen beschützen und unterstützen
  • die Kranken heilen
  • die einsamen trösten und lieben
  • die hungrigen ernähren
  • Gott lieben und von liebenswerter Natur sein, fröhlich, heiter, liebend - angenehm für alle anderen Mitmenschen.
Alle Liebe und Segen die in dich fliessen müssen auch wieder weiter fliessen - aus dir heraus zu anderen Mitmenschen und zu Gott. Liebe ist wie ein Kreislauf und kann nur zu deinem Wohle fliessen, wenn auch du Liebe zum Wohle aller anderen frei weiterfliessen lässt.

Sei immer ein angenehmes Kind Gottes - angenehm für die gesamte Schöpfung auf Erden und jenseits des irdischen!
Wenn du dein gesamtes Leben oder Teile davon ändern musst, um in Einklang mit Gottes Liebe arbeiten und leben zu können, dann ändere Dein Leben konsequent. Schritt für Schritt so schnell wie möglich - damit Liebe frei fliessen kann bei allem was du tust im Leben - Beruf, Privat und in deiner Freizeit. Auf dem Weg der Liebe zu Gott bleibt kein Raum für Faulheit, Trägheit und Verhaftung an altem. Für spirituellen Erfolg ist deine dynamische Bereitschaft stetig zu wachsen und sich den spirituellen Bedürfnissen und den Bedürfnissen der Schöpfung anzupassen erforderlich.

Dein gesamtes Leben kann in einem einzigen Tag umgewandelt werden. Alles was du hierzu brauchst, ist die ehrliche Bereitschaft jetzt sofort aus ganzem Herzen wirklich zu lieben - nur noch zu lieben - jetzt sofort statt später.
Somit wird der nächste Schritt der Vorbereitung zur Segnungs-Zeremonie: Vor dem selbst gewählten Datum der Segnungs-Zeremonie solltest du ...
Beginnen anderen Menschen wirklich zu helfen und von spirituellem Nutzen für andere zu sein - beweise deine Liebe durch:
  • Gib vollkommen "fremden" Personen Blumen als Beweis deiner Liebe. Eine Blume für jede Person - etwa die Hälfte aller Blumen an Menschen deines Geschlechts und die andere Hälfte an Menschen des andere Geschlechts. Schenke die Blumen an Menschen aller Alters-Stufen und aller Berufe.
  • Gib wenigstens einem hungrigen Menschen eine köstliche komplette Mahlzeit
  • Spende einen ehrlichen Betrag an eine bedürftige Person - solltest du arbeitslos oder ohne Einkommen sein, dann wird es höchste Zeit, dass du aktives Mitglied der Gesellschaft wirst und deine Liebe zu Gott und zu allen durch deine aktive, wertvolle Arbeitsleistung beweist. Falls du kein Einkommen hast zum Zeitpunkt der Einweihung in Kriya Yoga, so gilt das Gehalt eines hart und fleissig arbeitenden Menschen in deinem Land als Massstab deines eigenen Potentials für die Höhe deiner ehrlichen Spende an bedürftige!
  • Gib einen ehrlichen Betrag für einen wirklich spirituellen Zweck deiner Wahl, um die Werke Gottes zu fördern - zum Beispiel einer Mission, einem Ashram, einem heiligen Hilfswerk zur Verbreitung der Lehre der Liebe Gottes. Was immer du gibst - gib nur was du aus reinem Herzen mit Liebe geben kannst.
  • Werde ein aktives Mitglied der göttlichen Schöpfung - lebe göttliche Liebe und sei anderen ein liebendes Vorbild in allem was du tust - Tag für Tag. Überlege dir wie du diesen Planeten ein wenig schöner gestalten könntest - für dich, für alle anderen und für Gott. Zum Beispiel durch anpflanzen von schönen Blumen, Obstbäumen und anderen spirituell heilenden Bäumen wie Ginkgo Biloba oder Eukalyptus - je nach Klimazone deiner Heimat. Wähle schöne Pflanzen, Blumen oder Bäume die sich jahrelang selbst vermehren können und ohne menschliche Pflege in freier Natur gedeihen können.
  • Wenn du selbst Erfolg haben willst auf deinem Weg der Liebe zu Gott, dann solltest du auch anderen um dich herum eine Hilfe auf ihrem Weg zu Gott werden und sein. Überlege dir wie du dies tun willst. Durch deine gesamte Lebensführung, Arbeit, Freizeit, Sport, Beruf - durch dein inneres und äusseres Leben solltest du für andere ein liebendes Beispiel sein. Selbst wenn dein Beitrag hierzu nur von geringem Ausmass ist, so sollst du deine Liebe und Treue zu Gott in allen Bereichen deines eigenen Lebens leben und somit beweisen können.
  • Lerne dich vermehrt um dein inneres Wohl zu kümmern. Lerne deinem innersten treu zu sein. Lerne ehrlich zu deinen innersten Bedürfnissen zu sein. Was ist dir wirklich teuer und wichtig - erkenne es und sei bereit alles zu tun deine innersten wahren Werte zu verwirklichen. Ist dir gesunde Natur wichtig ? Gesundes natürliches Essen ? Liebe und Familie ? Gib dein Geld und deine Energie dafür aus deine innersten wahren Werte zu schützen und zu fördern.
  • Nimm dir Zeit etwas für Gott zu tun. Den schwachen zu helfen bedeutet Gottes Kinder zu helfen und somit Gott zu helfen. Arme und bedürftige in die Freiheit zu führen, ihnen zu helfen zu erstarken im eigenen freien Leben sind Liebesdienste an Gott. Lerne regelmässig Zeit und Mittel aufzuwenden dem Wohle des Ganzen zu dienen und Gutes für die gesamte Schöpfung Gottes zu tun. Gott wünscht dass alle Kinder Gottes sich lieben und in Liebe, Frieden und Harmonie wie eine liebende Familie leben - alle in Frieden und Liebe mit allen! Lade Gott ein Bestandteil deines Lebens in deinem Herzen zu sein, dich zu führen, dich zu beschützen, dich zu lehren auf deinem Weg der Liebe nach Hause. Gott kann nur da leben und lieben wo Gott willkommen ist und wo Menschen Zeit und Raum frei stellen für die Anwesenheit Gottes in ihrem Leben. Gott liebt alle - auch deine Feinde, denn alle sind Kinder Gottes. Sei dir also bewusst dass alles was du gegen einzelne tust ist auch immer gegen Gott gerichtet. Um Gott im Herzen willkommen zu heissen musst du lernen alle in deinem Herzen willkommen zu heissen.
  • Lerne frei und offen mit allen zu reden - lerne über deine Gedanken und Gefühle, deine Erfahrungen und deine Ängste zu reden. Je offener du zu allen anderen bist, je schneller wirst du auf deinem Pfad der Liebe zu Gott vorankommen.
  • Nimm dir regelmässig Zeit die Lehre der Liebe zu lesen, zu verstehen und in die Tat umzusetzen. Beschränke dich auf wirklich spirituelle Literatur, lies mit deinem Herzen - fühle welche Literatur gut ist für dich und setze lehrreiche Literatur immer in die Tat um - in deinem gesamten Lebensweg. Auf deinem Weg zu Gott wird es nur wenige Bücher geben, die wirklich hilfreich sind - erkenne sie, befolge die Lehre der Liebe und meide Irrwege die dir zahlreich begegnen werden.
An deinem selbst-erwählten Tag der Segnungszeremonie:
  • Bereite dich vor indem du gut ausgeruht den Tag beginnst. Geh also den Tag zuvor zeitig ins Bett. Den Morgen beginnst du mit einer ausführlichen Dusche oder Bad - erfrische dich wie wenn du dich nach langer Trennung vor einer Wiedervereinigung mit einem Geliebten Menschen erfrischen würdest.
  • Sei sauber, aber bequem und nett angezogen.
  • Besorge dir schöne und wohlriechende Blumen - wie Rosen, Jasmin, Lotos und ähnliche Blumen - wenn nötig am Tag zuvor - diese Blumen sind nur für Gott ! Kaufe einige zusätzliche Blumen für jemand anders. Schenke diese Blumen mit Liebe jemandem der besonders viel Liebe braucht. Betrachte diesen Menschen als ein ebenso geliebtes aber verirrtes Kind Gottes das auf liebe volle Hilfe Gottes hofft für seinen Weg der Liebe nach Hause zu Gott.
  • Halte den ganzen Tag frei für Gott. Wenn du Familie hast - dann betrachte deine Familie als Teil Gottes und widme den ganzen Tag auch liebevoll für deine gesamte Familie. Alle sind hungrig nach Liebe - nach deiner Liebe - der Liebe Gottes die durch dich hindurch fliesst zu allen geliebten Menschen auf Erden.
Um 12 Uhr GMT solltest du dir Zeit nehmen für wenigstens ein Stunde vollkommen friedliche Ruhe. Verbringe diese Zeit möglichst in freier wilder Natur, in einem Park, einem spirituellen Zentrum, einer leeren, ruhigen Kirche, Kapelle oder Tempel in deiner Nähe.

Schaffe grösstmögliche Ruhe und Frieden für diese Zeit der inneren Andacht und Zuwendung an Gott. Schalte dein Telefon, Handy und dergleichen aus und sei frei nur für Gott und Gottes Segen.

Vergewissere dich dass diese Zeit nur für dich und Gott frei bleibt!

Setze oder lege dich in vollkommen bequemer Stellung hin - verweile in dieser Position mehrere Minuten und lass alles in deinem Leben vollkommen los um innerlich frei zu sein. Nun konzentriere dich auf dein inneres spirituelles Zentrum deiner Seele - die Kutashta - und bete zu Gott:

Gebet der Liebe: "Lieber Gott - bitte liebe mich frei"

Nur gerade diesen einen Satz - in inniger Liebe und bereit dich von Gott lieben zu lassen, Gott in deinen Körper eintauchen zu lassen und dich mit göttlicher Liebe und heiligem Geist zu erfüllen. Nach kurzer Weile wirst du die Anwesenheit Gottes in dir fühlen - verweile in dieser Lage so lange wie möglich jedoch für wenigstens eine halbe Stunde.

Wenn du einmal erfolgreich begonnen hast Gott in dir willkommen zu heissen und seine liebevolle Anwesenheit in dir zu fühlen, so wiederhole dieses Gebet der Liebe so oft wie möglich und so lange wie du die angenehme und heilsame Wirkung fühlen kannst.

Alsdann wirst du Frieden und Liebe in dir wahrnehmen - dein Leben und deinen Körper heilend. Selbst spontane Heilungen von schwersten Krankheiten können erfolgen wenn du dich voll für Gottes Liebe öffnen und frei machen kannst.
Heilung ist nur eine Frage deiner Öffnung für Gottes Liebe - in deinem spirituellen Körper ebenso wie in deinem physischen Körper Gottes Liebe frei fliessen zu lassen.

Dein Leben wird sich mit Liebe erfüllen und liebevoll ändern in allen Bereichen deines ewigen Seins.

Gott alleine sei dein Kriya Yoga Guru!

Die gesamte Lehre der Liebe inklusive heilige Kriya Yoga Lehre is in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache in den "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" enthalten.

Liebe und Gottes Segen

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A ceremony of preparation to accept Kriya Yoga Diksha

The Blessing ceremony is conducted every year on the following dates / times

  1. March 20th - 0600 GMT
  2. From Good Friday until Easter Sunday all day long
  3. May 9th 1200 GMT
  4. May 21st 1800 GMT
  5. October 10th 2400 GMT
  6. Christmas time on 24th and 25th of December all day long

A blessing ceremony to refresh your love relationship with God as well as preparation to accept Initiation to the Holy Science of Kriya Yoga on a self selected the day for your initiation from God.

The exactly same procedure applies when you wish to receive blessing for the initiation - Diksha - from God for your Kriya Yoga practice. You can select any date - but should follow exact procedure and take one full day just for God!

God is Love

To fully open for God, love and bliss, you need to make more "space" within as well and open your heart to the utmost possible.

A few preparatory steps may help you to do so and some additional thoughts about YOUR life and attitude toward YOURSELF and others as well may be needed.

First let me give you a short experience I had a some time ago in the Philippines:

One day there was another - very old (apparently 90+) looking - women

I was taking place near her - and looking at her it was very obvious - she forgot to return home to God! So I told her - "it is time for you to go home!" The women however replied that she cannot go home, she needs to suffer more here as she has many sins.

You see - it was her totally wrong attitude that prevents any kind of divine bliss or uplifting and freeing love to heal or help her on her spiritual path. Being just about bones and skin and very little life-force left - she thinks herself of being a sinner - just as it is taught again and again by so many Christian priests day after day. Here we are in a VERY Christian oriented country in the Philippines. Hence such thoughts and attitudes are very common.

Many other encounters in Europe and some of the other approximately 40 countries I have been working or traveling in showed similar results. Particularly among Christians.

Hence - step number 1 for your blessing ceremony preparation:

The positive affirmation - I am a child of God - I want to love and help and support all others here on earth - hence I am worth all bliss and love God ever may have for me.

Every single person on earth is "worth" being loved and freed by God's love anytime during THIS incarnation. anyone and everyone has the divine right to return home for the remainder of eternity - by the end of THIS incarnation!

Remember the spiritual newsletter about "divine accounting" - YOU as well need to

  • love others
  • help others
  • support the needy ones
  • heal the ill ones
  • love the lonely ones on earth
  • feed the hungry ones
  • love God - and be of pleasant nature and attitude rather than being a "problem child" in trouble on earth

All the love and bliss flowing through YOU also needs to flow OUT of you toward others and toward God again to allow love and bliss to FLOW.

Learn to be of pleasant nature to God, to God's entire creation and hence also to all nature and mankind on earth!

If you need to change your life to align it with some truly divine goals - then do it step by step at the greatest possible pace - there is NO reason for any delay except your ego and your own attachments or laziness.

Your entire life can easily bee changed within a single day. all you need to do is to make the very first TRUE steps NOW these seconds rather than "later"!

The next step of preparation for the blessing ceremony is: Before the date selected by you - you should ...

Start to be of true help and spiritual benefit to others and prove your love by

  • Giving to totally "foreign" persons some flowers (bought or picked in nature or from your own garden) as a physical and more direct proof of YOUR love for anyone and everyone. may be a dozen of flowers - one for each person. about half for persons of YOUR gender and the remainder for persons of OPPOSITE gender - as a proof that YOU are in peace with your gender as well as the opposite gender.
  • Give at least one hungry person something to eat - a complete delicious meal
  • Donate a honest amount to a single person in need (if for any reason you have no daily income - then it would be time to start to be productive in some way for others. in case you have no income - you would donate the amount a honest and hard working qualified person in your country would be able to share with the poor an needy ones!
  • Give a honest amount for any truly spiritual cause - for example citizens from India may visit a guru near them or a saddhu and bring an envelope containing the honest amount - as they all are servants of God and of mankind while spending often all their life in modesty and most of the time in poverty. do it with love and humbleness.
  • Start to support actively God's creation by actively living the first and great commandment of love yourself day by day.
  • Make a firm and true plan on how you could make this planet a little MORE beautiful - for example by planting some flowers just for others or FOR God - somewhere in NATURE or on public property. select some flowers that last several years and multiply or renew on their own. mankind has actively destroyed so many thousands of square kilometers of nature that PLANET urgently needs YOUR active help for a CURE needed to allow future AND present generations to SURVIVE and find acceptable conditions of living on this planet. you may also plant a few fruit trees on public property making some LOCAL fruits available to ALL, or you may plant some spiritually beneficial trees such as Ginkgo Biloba or Eucalyptus - depending on the climate zone you are living in. you may want to learn MORE about nature and get actively involved in maintaining nature. be a living and active example for all others and others will follow you with love. start to realize this plan as soon as possible
  • Learn to take MORE time for YOUR inside life - to assess all your life, your past and present. learn what in your life truly is spiritually important, what is truly beneficial WITHOUT any damage on behalf of others or nature. only activities FREE of any environmental pollution can be called beneficial for ALL creation.
  • Take time to do something for God - just imaging YOURSELF being father of many children - how much would YOU love to hear your children singing some sweet love songs just FOR YOU or how much would you enjoy seeing YOUR children dancing and enjoying LIFE together with ALL others IN PEACE AND LOVE with ALL others as well.
  • Invite God to COME INSIDE YOUR HEART every day in a peaceful and quiet time of prayer and meditation at first and later you learn to do so ALL the time. let your heavenly father participate in all your thoughts, experiences, daily activities and always include HIS point of view in your decision making. remember that God always loves ALL - hence God is FREE of judgment for or against any single being. the happy survival of ALL creation is all God is ever concerned about.
  • Learn to talk MORE freely with ANYONE and EVERYONE - learn to share all your thoughts, experiences, fears even in public and among ALL your friends. this will dramatically help to open more for a much faster change within on YOUR spiritual path of love to God.
  • Take regular time to read, study AND apply true spiritual teachings such as received by YOUR guru from spiritual books - such as the teachings of the cyberspace ashram, the Gita, yoga sutras of Patanjali and similar books. There are but a few truly spiritual books and teaching available - learn to recognize them and apply these valuable teachings IN YOUR LIFE - in all situations of YOUR life.

Every tree starts with a tiny seed, even children can plant seeds and enjoy the blessings! On your selected day of blessing ceremony - you should ...

  • Prepare yourself by getting up well rested - that implies you getting timely to bed the night before. take a shower to be really fresh. look at such a day like if YOU are going to meet a beloved lover for the first time again after a very long period of separation
  • Be clean and properly, BUT very comfortably dressed.
  • Get some beautiful and nice smelling flowers, like roses, jasmine, lotus flowers or similar ones - if necessary the day before - JUST for God and a few extra flowers for someone else - your living partner, family members or anyone else. give them with love and look at these persons as children of God being lost on this planet as well and hoping to receive YOUR love and help on the way back home to God.
  • Take ALL day time for God - and if you have a family - consider them being part of God and spend the time with your family in love. They all need love and God's love is flowing through you to your beloved ones and all mankind on earth.

By 1200 hrs GMT you should take time of total peace and silence for about ONE hour. spend this time either in true and possibly wild nature, in a park, a spiritual retreat, an empty and silent church or chapel, an empty and silent temple or in YOUR home.

Create and assure the greatest possible silence - turn TV and radio off if necessary, UNPLUG your telephone and switch your cell phone OFF for this sacred time of love with God.

Make sure you really have this time just for you and God!

Make sure you are in a very comfortable position - fully relaxed and silent. remain in this position for many minutes to fully calm down and then concentrate on kutashta only and pray to God:

"Dear God - Please love me free"

Just this single one sentence - do it with sweet love and be ready to allow God to enter your body, your mind, your soul, your heart and fill you more and more with love and divine bliss. after a short while or even instantly you will FEEL God's presence within YOU. allow this presence within yourself as long as possible - even hours - but at least a half an hour at the beginning.

Once you successfully started to "HOST" God within yourself - you may then repeat this again and again - daily - even many times a day and especially before putting YOUR body asleep each time for as long as you like or as you feel it beneficial.

You will feel peace and love within - filling your life and your body more and more. healing of physical illness make occur - even spontaneously.

All healing is just a matter of allowing divine love flowing through your physical body and your spiritual body as well.

Your life will change - become more love filled and more loving in all aspects.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pray to God and ask God to do Kriya Yoga for you

Pray to God and ask God to do Kriya Yoga for you to verify proper Kriya Yoga technique. Every now and then it is advised to pray to God and ask for guidance in your proper Kriya Yoga technique - particularly your Kriya pranayama! Careful readers of the Cyberspace Ashram teachings should remember my advice:
Then ask for help - pray to God - and watch carefully - God then will repeat a few time proper Kriya Yoga within your own body to show you how it is done correctly - watch and then practice yourself.
A current situation shows that disciples sometimes skip or forget to repeat that quest to God. Remember that diksha received is powerful and valid only when you accept God as your Kriya Yoga Guru and thus when you pray to God for feedback and guidance.
For all advanced kriya yogi with more than 3 hrs daily kriya pranayama practice it is of utmost importance to do your pranayama exactly. Needless to say that you follow exactly all rules and never mix up 2 or more different techniques from different sources.
Remember the published rule:
After a few thousand or several thousand hours of successfully practicing prana breathing during your Kriya Pranayama while at the same time continuously increasing the number of Kriyas performed each day, you may then reach the point where finally the true Kriya Pranayama STARTS. To reach this point you may now practice 6 - 12 hours of Kriya Pranayama each day or even more !!
That means if you do many years kriya yoga already and still do only 3 or so hours a day, then you failed to follow the rules and thus fail to succeed! Kriya pranayama needs to be increased steadily until Samadhi. Any limited kriya pranayama in your practice is proof of lack of sincere intentions to actually become one with God!
Either do all and correctly or wait until a later incarnation when your desire to love and return home is true and absolute. Kriya yoga is to achieve God union and for nothing less. True life starts beyond Maha Samadhi.
All sincere kriya yogi should ask God repeatedly - may be every few months or so - to do kriya pranayama for you a few times. Then monitor God's kriya pranayama and repeat on your own as shown by God to you.
Make sure you read and follow all the instructions given to you in the Cyberspace Ashram and follow all the rules exactly. Any deviation from the rules may end in a waste of time and life and may eventually result in lack of spiritual progress and lack to achieve Samadhi. If you do kriya yoga properly - including the entire part of working and cleaning up your entire life for many years and still have may have skipped or short cut some of the rules given.
Learn to let go from earthly life. Learn to get in peace with all and forgive all. Practice daily work for the benefit of others. Be useful and helpful in all your life. Chose a useful work that serves God and all mankind no matter the money. Have happiness and wellbeing of others as a primary goal in all your work. Be free from any attachment - including free from attachment to Guru, to family, to friends, to property. Work to clean up your karma and mess in life to have an orderly life all the way.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ego and Nirbikalpa Samadhi

Ego and Nirbikalpa Samadhi
Learn to understand the difference between selfish personality and the state of loving personality needed to achieve oneness with God. To enter Nirbikalpa Samadhi, all your ego needs to be dissolved in love. This is achieved in regular and intense practice of true Kriya Yoga.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

God Yoga

God Yoga

A powerful prayer to open for healing love from God

God Yoga is brought to you by God as a gift of Love to all mankind - it is a new and most powerful technique suitable for all those who want to learn to fully open their heart and soul for the blessing and healing aspect of divine love coming from God. the very first time it was given to all mankind was Christmas time of the year 2000 at the very beginning of a new spiritual era on this planet.

You may practice God Yoga in addition to Kriya Yoga or whatever other Yoga you practice on your path of Love to God-realization. it may be forwarded by YOU to anyone you love, to anyone that needs and accepts your love and God's DIVINE AND HEALING LOVE.
.... View complete instructions for God Yoga
From the  Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Kriya Yoga News Cyberspace Ashram

Kriya Yoga News Cyberspace Ashram

by Hans Neukomm google.
contact Hans - official Cyberspace Ashram Press room.
Brief announcements of latest news, upcoming events, breaking news and new releases from the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love.
Stay tuned and up to date with latest kriya yoga and other spiritual activities and service offers.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kriya Yoga, God and Love, God Yoga vs Kriya Yoga - what is the difference?

God Yoga vs Kriya Yoga - what is the difference?

Weak men or women do God Yoga for self-rescue,
God Yoga is most powerful and simple,
requires exactly the same rules of like as Kriya Yoga,
plus a life long honest, useful and helpful work for the benefit of all mankind.
Strong fathers or mothers are responsible for all family, own children of current and previous incarnation and do Kriya Yoga, more demanding but empowering to spiritually help OTHERS.
Read  complete article on God Yoga vs Kriya Yoga - what is the difference?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Kriya Yoga, Gott Yoga: Weg der Liebe zu Gott

Kriya Yoga, Gott Yoga: Weg der Liebe zu Gott

Cyberspace Ashram für Kriya Yoga und Gott Yoga

Dein Weg der Liebe zu Gott

Lerne Lösungen der Liebe für alle Situationen des Lebens und wende sie an und erhalte die gesamte Einweihung in die heilige Wissenschaft des Kriya Yoga und Gott Yoga hier im Cyberspace Ashram
Alle hier aufgeführten spirituellen Kapitel und noch viele mehr, bis Mai 2012 oline im Cyberspace Ashram veröffentlicht, sind nun als fester Bestandteil der "Spiritual Tresures - Final Edition" kostenlos zum Download als Bittorrent Datei erhältlich. Gesamt 39988 Dateien, 3,55 GB Datei-Grösse. Mehr als 5000 hochauflösende Bilder im original Format, ehemals Bestandteil der Foto-Galerie "Philippine islands most beautiful Pictures" sind ebenfalls kostenlos Bestandteil der "Spiritual Treasures Bonus" als Bittorent Datei erhältlich - 34 GB Datei-Grösse.
Alle Dienstleistungen, eMails und Telefon Beratungen sind ausschliessslich von Deiner ehrlichen Spende bezahlt.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kriya Yoga, God and Love, Know your goal and priorities in life and maintain your focus toward that goal

Know your goal and priorities in life and maintain your focus toward that goal
Know your goal and priorities in life and maintain your focus toward that goal
Your goal is YOUR responsibility alone. If YOU wish to achieve YOUR goal, you are the only one to invest time, efforts and money to achieve Y(OR goal - whatever i8t takes. Else you may fail because others invest ALL into distracting you, into keeping you busy with chit chat and trash - away from YOUR goal because they want you to stay on earth and serve THEIR agenda.

In your spiritual life you may find THOUSANDS of people actively interested and working toward keeping YOU AWAY from God and from your spiritual practices. In the most simple way by keeping you busy or distracting you with simple chit chat to “steal” your time otherwise used for your spiritual exercises such as Kriya Yoga (kriya pranayama).

As a spiritual person practicing true kriya pranayama for extended periods of time daily and over many months or years, you automatically become a sun of God’s love, a source of life-force for others around you or connecting WITH you by phone call, Skye or chat or any other methods such as forum or Facebook discussions, etc.

Read complete article to Know your goal and priorities in life and maintain your focus toward that goal

Learn about God and Love from the Cyberspace Ashram for Jesus Kriya Yoga, God and Love to safely return home to God.

Monday, January 28, 2013

How to Study the Spiritual Treasures - Yahoo! Voices -

How to Study the Spiritual Treasures - Yahoo! Voices -

When people download the "Spiritual Treasures" and see that I have some 39988 files integrated into the "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition", then many may be like paralyzed in front of so many pages and graphics / pictures to study. Some may ask "how can I ever learn and practice so much?" You can, if you do it all day by day,k step by step until all done.

I assure you every single page, picture or graphic makes spiritual sense and really intended to be studied and applied in daily life or converted into spiritual progress. Kriya Yoga in its ancient traditional teaching as originating from Jesus always includes useful work, sharing and helping others in addition to all "secret" of meditation and kriya pranayama technique.

Imagine how people were feeling when they started many thousand years ago the world famous "Banaue rice terraces" in the Philippine islands. Imagine how their sons or daughters might have felt if fathers and mothers would have told their children to keep working another 2000 or 3000 years until all rice terraces successfully completed.
Imagine how I would have felt when God would have told me in 1995 during or following repeated oneness with God, that I may have to sit behind laptops for the next more than 15 years, earn hundred thousands of dollars first, then invest all during 60'000+ working hours to create the current 45'000+ files of "Spiritual Treasures" and "Spiritual Treasures Bonus".

Rea rd the complete How to Study the Spiritual Treasures - Yahoo! Voices -

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to pray to God

How to pray to God

How to pray to God when God doesn't answer my prayers

Then your prayers are either stubborn or non-loving / demanding
you simply fail to enter a true love relationship WITH God as being your very best friend. Talk to God like to your very best friend - with Love and have faith in His Love for You - God is Love - God loves you !!!
Many address their prayers with a title for God - such as "Sir" or any other very distant inner attitude ... THAT never is a successful method to enter a Love relationship with God !

How would you love to talk to your very best friend - the one you fully surrender all your life - the one you have full faith in - the one you truly trust all your secrets and problems and talk about all your adventures, mistakes and happenings ?
That is the way to talk to God in your prayer !

Read all to learn  How to pray to God

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love

Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love

Created and published online from 31 July 1997 - 17 May 2012

also known as the Cyberspace Ashram

Kriya Yoga also is known as Jesus secret teachings among Christianity and under a variety of different names in other cultures around the globe for thousands of years. Kriya means purification of loving heart as a means to Yoga = God union. Kriya Yoga is created by God and a gift of love to all mankind. Kriya Yoga as taught and published by the Cyberspace Ashram is Jesus Kriya Yoga or God's Kriya Yoga with a clear emphasis on its original root and goal - God and Love.
Please read this page carefully to find the complete details on Kriya Yoga teachings and sacred teachings of Love. The entire previous Cyberspace Ashram's online content of some 144'000 files has been cleaned up and condensed into the current offline version and is available in full as instant FREE Download of:

Find full details on the original website - the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love

Monday, January 7, 2013

Kriya Pranayama Introduction

Kriya Pranayama Introduction

This chapter is about the basics of Kriya Pranayama only. The detailed powerful technique of Kriya Pranayama is contained in the diksha page of the Spiritual Treasures in full detail including animated graphics for utmost clarity.

The metaphysical physiology of Kriya Pranayama

Kriya Pranayama is the most important of all techniques of Kriya Yoga. In this chapter, we have a look on the physiology of this holy technique. How it affects or improves the quality of your metaphysical body, i.e. causal body, mental body, astral body. Of course if your light-bodies raise their vibration, your physical body will be affected accordingly.
In a later chapter you may find the link to the page for Diksha - initiation - to the holy technique of Kriya Yoga, including the full details on how to perform Kriya Pranayama.
Kriya Yoga is called a "scientific method of self-realization". Scientific, because it can be practiced by anyone and if properly done, everyone will achieve the exactly same results: God-Union = oneness with God and self-realization.
This chapter does in no way constitute an initiation to this sacred technique. This article shall only be limited to the effects of Kriya Pranayama on your light-body. The description of the actual technique shall be received from a true guru or from the "Diksha - chapter" of this web site as a direct gift of Love from God to you.
This article however shall help all interested and all those of you who have received diksha to better understand the technique and its effect. In a later chapter we shall also have a look at the physiology of Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga.
Read complete chapter on  Kriya Pranayama Introduction from the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love. Jesus teaching love including the sacred teachings of kriya yoga are available for free download in the Spiritual Treasures.