Friday, November 2, 2012

Open for Divine Love and Bliss from God

Open for God

Open for Divine Love and Bliss from God

The physiology to open yourself for the Bliss and Love from God and find instant relief from any pressure, illness and stress. This chapter and all future chapters of this site will teach you how to open again for all divine help offered to you.
After reading all of the previous chapters of this site of the Cyberspace Ashram - you now may be ready for more practical application of all you have learned so far. In addition you may now be ready to learn some practical exercises that help you on your path of Love to God - in Love - with Love. Please note that reading and understanding all previous chapters of the text "on your wings of Love - on your way to God" on this site is a real and necessary prerequisite to build up more success. All previous chapters are the basis of all following chapters. All is meant to be practiced at once and is part of ONE single spiritual tradition - the tradition of Kriya Yoga on your path of Love to God.
The very basis of success on your path of Love to God is to apply Yama and Niyama to the fullest extent in all situations of your life. To an extent and perfection leading to the complete and perfect fulfillment of the Divine rules of life described on this site.
Mankind's energy system is an open circuit system. One part being open to allow energy to flow in and another part to allow energy to flow out. The entrance of the energy coming from God is on top of your head - the chakra is called Sahasrara chakra. This chakra is opened by YOU focusing on God and asking for his Love and Bliss - hence the Sahasrara chakra is opened by devotion and Love to God.
The muladhara chakra is at the lower tip of your spine and is the opening for all energy to flow out again. All excretion like stool and urine are leaving your body on the lower side of the trunk of your body - the same applies for the metaphysical energy. Energy feeding your soul and all part of your lightbody is coming from top - from God entering your being through the Sahasrara chakra and all "waste" and excess energy is leaving through muladhara chakra.
In the below graphic you see a view of a skeleton from the back. The red dots show the location of the entrance of the chakras into your spine. All these 7 chakras are in the horizontal center of the body. If you practice Kriya Pranayama and want to know exactly where the entrance into your physical of the chakra is - then simply ask God in a prayer to show you and be open for his guidance. You may then perceive his help by either seeing a light where all chakras are, or by feeling a vibration at its centers or by feeling any other sensation - like heat or warmth. To perceive such guidance may require advance performance on the application of yama and niyama and divine rules of life. But anyone really striving for Love and God will receive any guidance necessary to achieve the goal of his Divine desire.

How do we open for God, his Love and Bliss ?
The following exercise will show you how and lets you experience immediately how it feels. The following animated graphic shows you at the beginning an aura of a person with lots of stress and emotional turmoil. Like after a busy day or worries. Then you open up your Sahasrara chakra and let God's Love and Bliss flow from top through your aura, through all of your body including your physical body, including all your cells of your body, your mind, your emotions, even your karma !! At the same time you open your muladhara chakra to allow all disturbing energy to flow out of your body. ALL.
You need to have a real comfortable position for your body. God is anywhere, hence whether you are sitting or any other comfortable position is of least importance. However you should stay awake and be fully relaxed. Just to give this exercise a name, I will call it "lightshower". You may enjoy this lightshower every day, even several times a day, as much as you may enjoy a water-shower when working heavily. The minimum time to really benefit should be several from minutes up to an hour or even more.
As the animated picture below shows, the longer you practice it, the more your benefits, the better you feel. you may try it NOW for a half an hours or longer and feel how much more relaxed and free you feel. It is however important that you open yourself to God in a sincere prayer and attitude of Love and devotion. Allow God to take away anything that is a burden to you. Anything and everything. You are his beloved child and it makes God happy to relieve you of anything that is a burden or bothering you. It is a pleasure to God to Love you and let all his Love flow through you. You may do it as often as you love it and as often as as long as it helps you. You may do it when traveling in buses, trains, when waiting or having some spare time during work. You may benefit from this lightshower anytime, anywhere. After a few days, weeks or months you may even start to feel the vibration of God's divine Love or you may see the light he is sending you while you open for his Love and Bliss.

The lightshower
a shower of love and bliss from God

Open for God - take a "Light-Shower"
This is an excellent method to clean you of anything strange you pick up from your daily life before you reach your home. Afford yourself a lightshower before entering home to keep your home and family clean of any bothering energy. Bring all the Love and Bliss into your home and family. They will love it as much as you do.
If you are working with different customers in an office, you may practice a quick lightshower in-between 2 dates. After a few months or years of practice, you will succeed much more and a few minutes may make you feel much better. The more you open up completely, the more Love and Bliss from God is flowing through you and the more efficient this lightshower is getting. Preparing you for even more advanced Techniques such as Kriya Yoga. But even when practicing Kriya Yoga, you may first want to practice this lightshower for 10 to 20 minutes to be prepared for the God-realization technique of Kriya Yoga.

 Above article is a small excerpt from the "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" from the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love.

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